Dystopian Wars - Union Starter Set - Faction Battlefleet

1 699 Kč
Na objednání

Nenabarvená/é Figurka/y pro hru Dystopian Wars, nejedná se o samostatně hratelnou část.
Modely jsou v boxu nenamalované a je nutné je složit.
Karty lodí nejsou zahrnuty, můžete je stáhnout zdarma na stránkách Dystopian Wars.
Není vhodné pro děti.
Informace pouze v anglickém jazyce.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.

Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.

This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.

This box contains:

  • 1x Constitution Class Battleship
  • 2x Frontline Cruisers
    • (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Yorktown, Intrepid, Lexington or Reliant Class)
  • 4x Farragut Class Frigates
  • 2x Akron Observation Rotor
  • 2x Union Support Cruisers
    • (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as Discovery, Roanoke, California, Montgomery or Washington Class)
  • 4x RC-52 Patriot Automata
  • 2x SRS Tokens
  • 1x Rulebook
  • 1x Victory and Valour Deck
  • 20x Action Dice
  • 6x Critical Dice
  • 1x DA Token Sheet
  • 1x DA Template

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dystopian Wars
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 14+
Vydavatel: Warcradle Studios
Svět: Dystopian Wars

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