Dystopian Wars - Scandinavian Frontline Squadrons

699 Kč
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Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

The Scandinavians are a group of proud naval nations in the Imperium. Their vessels are fabricated primarily by the Norwegians at Akers Mekaniske Verksted. This large shipyard produces huge numbers of Hoth Heavy Corvettes for use by the Scandinavians throughout the Imperium’s fleets.

Prowling the bitter northern seas, the Scandinavian’s Odin class Reavers are often painted in dark colours by their crews, preferring to strike at dusk or at night.

Built around an exceptional propulsion system, the engineering behind the Gungnir is a closely guarded secret amongst the Scandinavians. Captains have standing orders to scuttle their ships rather than let it fall into enemy hands. The explosive charges throughout the engine room ensure that the advantage will remain with the northern nations.

Long sharp lines distinguish the silhouette of the lethal Jotunn. A prized command by Scandinavian captains, the powerful vessel has advanced targeting systems to enable it to maximise its firepower against its target.


  • 2x Jotunn Assault Reaver (can alternatively be built as an Odin Reaver or a Gungnir Light Reaver
  • 4x Hoth Heavy Corvettes

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dystopian Wars
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 14+
Vydavatel: Warcradle Studios
Svět: Dystopian Wars

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