Dystopian Wars - Khodynka Battlefleet Set

1 099 Kč
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Detailní popis produktu

The Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser “Nebesnaya Gora” hung in the sky, defiant against the laws of nature. Ablative armour plates had been blown off and small fires were being extinguished by weary skymen. The engine at the heart of the beast rumbled on, with nothing but the occasional splutter to suggest there was anything wrong at all. The Commonwealth fleet had been ambushed while making routine patrols around the Barents Sea, The Scions of Jutland had appeared like wolves in the night and unleashed a stream of rockets that would have obliterated a lesser vessel. Only the crew of Nebesnaya Gora understood that this night would be a loss to the Scions. Steel, molten from the intense heat of the barrage fell from the sky and yet the Khodynka remained in the air, only having lost redundant systems and armour designed to fail without letting worse damage through. As the battle went on, more damage was sustained by both sides. Scions and Commonwealth crew alike sharing a freezing tomb. Only the Nebesnaya Gora remained, damaged but stoic and impressively, still airborne.


  • 1x Khodynka Heavy Skycruiser
    • (may also be built as Konostoga or Krasnaya Class)
  • 2x Irkutsk Skycruiser
    • (may also be built as Saransk or Tunguska Class)
  • 2x Giyena Shockwave Hovercraft
    • (may also be built as Yak Class)
  • 4x Escort Hovercraft

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dystopian Wars
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 14+
Vydavatel: Warcradle Studios
Svět: Dystopian Wars

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