Dystopian Wars - Empire Sky Bastion Squadrons

699 Kč
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Nenabarvená/é Figurka/y pro hru Dystopian Wars, nejedná se o samostatně hratelnou část.
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Karty lodí nejsou zahrnuty, můžete je stáhnout zdarma na stránkách Dystopian Wars.
Není vhodné pro děti.
Informace pouze v anglickém jazyce.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

The truth of it was mundane. It had to be. It existed in the world so it could be explained with material engineering and Newtonian physics. Despite that, Kai Chen couldn’t help but look upon the site with wonder. His first aerial posting was aboard the Ziwei Sky Bastion, 'Abundant Peace'. This was the first time since leaving the mainland that he’d had the chance of a quiet moment for himself and so he stood, gazing out at the open ocean. Shafts of sunlight pierced the clouds and danced across the glassy sea. The noise of the engines was partially blocked out by his crew-issued earplugs but he could feel the rumble of it through his feet on the deck. Perhaps the rarified air at this altitude made the light refract strangely or perhaps the lower oxygen made him giddy but either way, for a moment, he found a blissful state, knowing that the view he’d imagined in his dreams was even greater than he could imagine.


  • 2x Ziwei Sky Bastions (may also be built as Qianshao Class)
  • 2x SRS Tokens (B)

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dystopian Wars
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 14+
Vydavatel: Warcradle Studios
Svět: Dystopian Wars

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