Dystopian Wars - Cyclone of Shadows Campaign Set

1 449 Kč
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Nenabarvená/é Figurka/y pro hru Dystopian Wars, nejedná se o samostatně hratelnou část.
Modely jsou v boxu nenamalované a je nutné je složit.
Karty lodí nejsou zahrnuty, můžete je stáhnout zdarma na stránkách Dystopian Wars.
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Informace pouze v anglickém jazyce.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

This massive, 154 page campaign supplement is the biggest update to Dystopian Wars since its launch. The book contains a huge slice of narrative material exploring the Dystopian Age during the events of 1874. It also contains several expansions to the core rules of the game, which can be used separately or can be combined to enhance your Dystopian Wars Encounters. From gaining special patronages by key characters in the Dystopian Age to support your Forces, to fighting pitch dark sea battles with a variety of Desperate and Perilous encounters. There are also guidelines for taking part in the organised play events known as the Admiral’s League. There’s plenty to thrill everyone in the Cyclone of Shadows.


  • 3x Large Platforms (with multiple build options)
  • 3x Small Platforms (with multiple build options)
  • 6x Islands
  • 3x Minefield Markers
  • 3x Wreck Markers
  • 1x Campaign Book

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly will be required.
  • Printed material is supplied in English.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dystopian Wars
Jazyk: angličtina
Věk: 14+
Vydavatel: Warcradle Studios
Svět: Dystopian Wars

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